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Text File | 1998-05-22 | 15.3 KB | 558 lines | [TEXT/XCNQ] |
- (game-module "galaxy"
- (title "Galaxy")
- (blurb "the 24th century")
- (variants (see-all) (world-seen) (world-size))
- )
- (unit-type |photon torpedo| (image-name "gxy-pt")
- (help "shoot these at your enemy"))
- (unit-type storm-trooper (image-name "soldiers")
- (help "for capturing planets, moons, & death stars"))
- (unit-type |SF-1 fighter| (image-name "gxy-f1")
- (help "moves fast, can hit most things"))
- (unit-type transport (image-name "gxy-st")
- (help "for transporting the troopers"))
- (unit-type |light cruiser| (image-name "gxy-lc")
- (help "quick lightly armoured cruiser"))
- (unit-type battlecruiser (image-name "gxy-cc")
- (help "specially designed for fleet action"))
- (unit-type dreadnought (image-name "gxy-dd")
- (help "heavily armoured with deadly phasers"))
- (unit-type |death star| (image-name "death-star")
- (help "make your enemies afraid, very afraid..."))
- (unit-type moon (image-name "moon")
- )
- (unit-type planet (image-name "planet")
- (help "makes stuff (esp. cruisers, dreadnoughts & deathstars)"))
- (define p |photon torpedo|)
- (define s storm-trooper)
- (define f |SF-1 fighter|)
- (define t transport)
- (define l |light cruiser|)
- (define b battlecruiser)
- (define d dreadnought)
- (define @ |death star|)
- (define x moon)
- (define X planet)
- (material-type photons
- (notes "fuels photon torpedos"))
- (material-type matter
- (notes "part of the fuel for ships' movement"))
- (material-type anti-matter
- (notes "part of the fuel for ships' movement & phasers"))
- (material-type o2
- (notes "for the troopers to breathe"))
- (define ph photons)
- (define m matter)
- (define a anti-matter)
- (define o o2)
- ;(set grid-color "white")
- ;(set unseen-color "black")
- ;(set unseen-image-name "black")
- (terrain-type vacuum (image-name "navy-blue") (char "."))
- (terrain-type nebula (image-name "mists") (char "%"))
- (terrain-type blackhole (image-name "black") (char "!"))
- (set alt-blob-density 10000)
- (set alt-blob-height 500)
- (set alt-blob-size 50)
- (set alt-smoothing 1)
- (set wet-blob-density 2000)
- (set wet-blob-size 100)
- (add t* alt-percentile-min ( 0 0 98))
- (add t* alt-percentile-max (98 98 100))
- (add t* wet-percentile-min ( 0 90 0))
- (add t* wet-percentile-max (90 100 100))
- ; should have low blob density
- (define places (@ x X))
- (define planets (x X))
- (define movers (p s f t l b d @))
- (define starships (t l b d))
- (define hosts (t l b d @ x X))
- (define guests (p s f))
- (table vanishes-on
- (u* blackhole true)
- ;; no troops allowed out in space
- (s t* true)
- )
- (add places point-value 5000)
- (add (s f t l b d @ p) point-value (256 256 255 24 10 200 230 256))
- (add vacuum country-terrain-min 6)
- (table favored-terrain
- (u* t* 0)
- (starships vacuum 100)
- (places blackhole 0)
- (places vacuum (70 50 85))
- (places nebula (30 50 15))
- )
- (add (X x t l b d @ s f) start-with (2 3 2 2 2 1 1 4 5))
- (table independent-density ((X x) vacuum (20 40)))
- (set country-radius-min 3)
- (set country-separation-min 20)
- (set country-separation-max 100)
- (add (X x) already-seen 100)
- (add (X x) see-always true)
- ;; Units always start out full of everything.
- (table unit-initial-supply (u* m* 20000))
- ;10000 blackhole u* accident
- ;"has been sucked into a BLACK HOLE!!" u* accident-message
- ;; Production and Repair
- (add movers cp (3 2 3 8 9 15 30 150))
- (table acp-to-create
- ((x X) movers 1)
- ((b d @) p 1)
- (@ f 1)
- )
- (table cp-on-creation
- ((x X) movers 1)
- (X movers (2 1 1 1 3 4 11 121))
- ((b d @) p (2 3 3))
- (@ f 1)
- )
- (table acp-to-build
- ((x X) movers 1)
- ((b d @) p 1)
- (@ f 1)
- )
- (table cp-per-build
- (u* u* 1)
- )
- (table material-to-create
- (p ph 5)
- )
- (add (@ x X) hp-recovery 2.00)
- (table auto-repair
- (u* u* 0)
- ((l b d) f 1.00)
- ((@ x X) (f t l) 1.00)
- ((@ x X) (b d) 2.00)
- )
- (table auto-repair-range
- (u* u* -1)) ; repair occupants only
- ;1 movers [ @ x X ] repair
- ;1 f starships repair
- ;2 d d repair
- ;3 starships starships repair
- ;; Materials
- (table base-production
- (starships (ph m a) 3)
- (d ph 5)
- (@ m* 30)
- (x m* 40)
- (X m* 50)
- )
- ;;; the following doesn't make any sense to sts - nebulas
- ;;; should be better for material production, not worse
- ;100 t* u* productivity
- ;50 nebula u* productivity
- ;100 nebula [ x X @ ] productivity
- (table unit-storage-x
- ;; p s f t l b d @ x X
- (u* ph (1 0 0 0 15 20 30 30 60 90))
- (u* m (0 0 34 1500 300 550 1000 5000 10000 20000))
- (u* o2 (0 1 0 1500 300 550 1000 5000 10000 20000))
- (u* a (0 0 5 1500 300 550 1000 5000 10000 20000))
- )
- (table base-consumption
- ((f t l b d) m 1)
- ((f t l b d) a 1)
- (p ph 1)
- (s o2 1) ; storm-troopers must die in space
- )
- (table consumption-per-move
- (f m 1)
- ((t l b d @) (m a) 1)
- (s o2 1)
- )
- (table hp-per-starve
- (p ph 1.00)
- (s o2 1.00)
- )
- (table consumption-per-attack
- (f a 1)
- ((t l b d @ x X) a 2)
- )
- (table hit-by (u* a 1))
- ;0 r* u* out-length
- ;0 r* u* in-length
- ;-1 r* [ f s ] out-length
- ;-1 r* [ x X ] in-length
- ;0 s t in-length ;
- (table unit-capacity-x
- ((l b d) f (1 2 3))
- (t s 5)
- (@ u* 10)
- (@ places 0)
- (@ d 1)
- ((b d) p (2 5))
- (x u* 10)
- (X u* 20)
- (planets planets 0)
- )
- ;1 u* volume
- ;100 u* hold-volume
- ; p s f t l b d @ x X
- (add u* acp-per-turn (7 1 17 7 12 10 12 4 1 1))
- (add (x X) speed 0)
- (table mp-to-enter-terrain
- (u* nebula 2)
- )
- ;17 u* f enter-time
- ;100 u* p enter-time
- (table material-to-move
- (f m 1)
- ((t l b d @) (m a) 1)
- )
- ;; SIGHT
- ; nebulas hide stuff
- (table visibility
- (u* t* 100)
- (movers nebula 20))
- ; p s f t l b d @ x X
- (add u* vision-range (1 1 2 2 3 3 4 7 2 4))
- ;1 p see-best ;1
- ;0 p see-worst
- ;100 [ X x d @ b l ] see-best
- ;60 [ X x d @ b l f t ] see-worst
- ; p s f t l b d @ x X
- (add u* hp-max (1 1 2 2 5 9 14 31 65 110))
- ;(add u* hp-at-max-speed (0 0 0 1 2 4 5 0 5 5))
- (table hit-chance
- ;; p s f t l b d @ x X
- (p u* (0 100 100 100 95 90 85 99 100 100))
- (s u* (0 50 10 30 30 30 20 10 50 50))
- (f u* (0 50 50 70 40 35 30 2 0 0))
- (t u* (0 20 20 50 20 20 20 20 0 0))
- (l u* (0 70 70 70 50 35 30 30 0 0))
- (b u* (0 90 60 85 65 50 40 40 0 0))
- (d u* (0 100 70 95 75 60 50 50 0 0))
- (@ u* (0 60 85 90 80 80 80 50 85 60))
- (x u* (0 10 10 30 20 10 5 5 0 0))
- (X u* (0 20 20 40 30 20 10 10 0 0))
- )
- (table damage
- (u* u* 1)
- (p u* 2)
- (d u* 2)
- (f d 2)
- (f @ 999)
- (@ u* 50) ;if you see a death star, you should be terrified
- (@ @ 5) ; (but not so much if you have one yourself!)
- (@ (x X) 999)
- )
- ;true p self-destruct
- ;false p can-counter
- ;50 guests hosts protect
- ;80 u* places protect
- ;0 places places protect
- ;30 @ [ x X ] protect
- ;80 p u* protect
- (table capture-chance
- (s places (20 50 30))
- )
- (add movers acp-to-disband 1)
- (add movers hp-per-disband 99)
- (add u* acp-to-change-side 1)
- (add s acp-to-change-side 0)
- (add s possible-sides (not "independent"))
- ;;; Scoring.
- (scorekeeper (do last-side-wins))
- ;;; Text.
- (set action-notices '(
- ((destroy u* p) (actor " detonates on " actee "!"))
- ((destroy u* s) (actor " annihilates " actee "!"))
- ((destroy u* l) (actor " zorches " actee "!"))
- ((destroy u* b) (actor " ZORCHES " actee "!"))
- ((destroy u* d) (actor " ZORCHES " actee "!"))
- ))
- (set event-notices '(
- ((unit-starved s) (0 " suffocates!"))
- ((unit-starved f) (0 " runs out of fuel and disintegrates!"))
- ((unit-starved p) (0 " misses!"))
- ))
- (set event-narratives '(
- ((unit-starved s) (0 " suffocated"))
- ((unit-starved f) (0 " ran out of fuel and disintegrated"))
- ((unit-starved p) (0 " missed"))
- ))
- (set action-movies '(
- ((attack p) (sound "explosion-long"))
- ((attack f) (sound "laser"))
- ((attack |SF-1 fighter|) (sound "laser"))
- ((attack l) (sound "laser"))
- ((overrun l) (sound "laser"))
- ((overrun |light cruiser|) (sound "laser"))
- ))
- ;; NAMES
- ;;; Sort of a mishmash, but who cares...
- (set side-library '(
- (10 (name "Federation") (adjective "Federation"))
- (10 (name "Klingon Empire") (adjective "Klingon"))
- ((adjective "Vulcan"))
- ((adjective "Jedi"))
- ((name "Romulus") (adjective "Romulan"))
- ((adjective "Rebel"))
- ((adjective "Corazan"))
- ((name "Earth") (adjective "Terran"))
- ((adjective "Cylon"))
- ((adjective "Orion"))
- ((adjective "Ferengi"))
- ((adjective "Zen"))
- ((adjective "Time Lord"))
- ((adjective "Kharg"))
- ((adjective "Cyborg"))
- ((adjective "Dalek"))
- ((adjective "Kelvin"))
- ((adjective "Goth"))
- ((adjective "Vogon"))
- ))
- (add (x X) namer "random-planets")
- (namer random-planets (random
- "Argon" "Tertulian" "Atlantis" "Isis" "Cuthka"
- "Prene" "Ziul" "Aja" "Hukan" "Burran"
- "Zenon" "Vorscica" "Khakan" "Trantor" "Solcan"
- "Cjiny" "Caligula" "Ipaar" "Ryurr" "Mentha"
- "Vrudn" "Martel" "Loki" "Mendelan"
- "Saure" "Juvak" "Kaos" "Irrenbuk" "Calazan"
- "Ether" "Astral" "Keeguran" "Dospas" "Centari"
- "Alpha" "Guerilli" "Galeo" "Charon" "Appolo"
- "Ulam Batar" "Urishina" "Zaariana" "Shadowfax"
- "Cloudy Coffee" "with nice beaches" "of the Apes"
- "Kyuin" "Reydak" "Baal" "Geryon" "Dispater"
- "Azurn" "Mythos" "Nantes" "Kourion" "Turton"
- "Moori" "Pelanda" "Sirith" "Celan" "Corolla"
- "Muur" "Sol Invictus" "Saladan" "Samnth" "Awe"
- "Kvack" "Portuli" "Turin" "Anthran" "Xerxes"
- "Zeus" "Keno" "Terre" "Vito" "Vishnu"
- "Visigoth" "Romulus" "Kresge" "Kor" "Kolkhoz"
- "Algol" "Quixote" "Quirinal" "Chisholm"
- "Archangel" "Ariananus" "Buran" "Kea" "Tara"
- "Gustavus" "Antioch" "Piraeus" "Vaudois" "Vault"
- "Rastaan" "Daggoroth" "Beina" "Breton"
- "Gallivent" "Galaak" "Galifre" "Lise" "Abidjan"
- "Acanthus" "Achilles" "Actaeon" "Adelia" "Adonis"
- "Axla" "Alnu" "Alcestis" "Alkmena" "Alexei"
- "Garcia" "New Peoria" "Penelope" "Taurus"
- "Bevois" "Odin" "Dwyer" "Aegean" "Vega"
- "Altar" "Betelgeuse" "Aldebaran" "Procyon"
- "Spica" "Lapella" "Deneb" "Venus" "Mars"
- "Io" "Ganymede" "Europa" "Rigel" "Rigel VII"
- "Rigel XII" "DeLorian" "Pyrrus" "New Warth"
- "Dorsai" "Xax" "Cygnus X-1" ; its really a black hole but..
- "Terminus" "Felicity" "Sanction" "goes BOOM"
- ))
- (game-module (notes (
- "This period has a number of strange features:"
- " Stormtroopers are terriblly loyal. On your command,"
- " they will move into outer-space and suffocate."
- " Photon torpedos are generally the most effective means"
- " of destroying enemy ships; but hold your fire until "
- " you have enough for the kill."
- " SF-1 fighters have a "Skywalker" chance of destroying Death"
- " Stars. Naturally, its a suicide run. "
- " Blackholes will eat any ships you put into them. So"
- " watch for them."
- ""
- "The machine players haven't figured any of this out. "
- " Thus, their play is less than wonderful."
- ""
- ""
- ;; this should probably be part of the module header,
- ;; so can be displayed in appropriate contexts.
- " by Victor Mascari"
- "Copyright 1991, Henry Ware & Victor Mascari"
- "Please distribute this, rewrite it etc. However,"
- "you may not sell it, and this message must remain"
- "intact. Of course, if you do any of these things, we"
- "will never know."
- "Converted to version 7 by Stan Shebs."
- ""
- " Thanks to the writter of the 'Starwars'"
- " period for icons and ideas, and to "
- " Henry Ware for some icons and technical"
- " advice."
- "This period was written by Victor Mascari at The Ohio State University."
- ""
- "Strategy depends upon size of the map you're playing on. The smaller the"
- "map, the smaller unit that should be built. Large maps require big fleets."
- ""
- "Fleets tend to be the preferred method of warfare. In addition, the person"
- "that attacks first usually wins, so gather as much intelligence about"
- "the movements of the enemy as possible, and keep main battle fleet away "
- "from his until you can strike with full force."
- ""
- "Nebula hide ships 80% of the time, but also slow them down."
- ""
- "5 photon torpedos are needed to destroy a moon, 8 for a planet."
- ""
- "Blackholes are hard to spot, so pay attention to where your moving or else"
- "you'll loose your ship."
- ""
- "The computer is fairly stupid in this period and is fairly easy to defeat. The"
- "skills learned to defeat the computer will, in general, not apply to human"
- "opponents."
- )))
- (add @ notes (
- "The Death Star is the most powerful unit in this period. In close quarters"
- "other units can be flattened, however Death Stars can be captured by"
- "storm troopers and have some vulnerability to fighters. They are the"
- "only moving unit which repairs itself once a turn."
- ))
- (add p notes (
- "The Photon Torpedo is the main means of attack. It has a range of seven"
- "and does two points of damage to any other unit. It's wise to save these"
- "until you have enough to kill a big ship in one turn: wounded ships often"
- "make it home."
- ))
- (add s notes (
- "Storm Trooper suffocate in outer space, so don't put them there. "
- ))
- (add f notes (
- "Fighters are good for reconnaissance and for harrasing the enemy battle"
- "cruisers. Send them, take a point of damage, and come home. As"
- "previously mentioned they have a slim chance of destroying a Death Star"
- "in one hit, however, its a suicide run."
- ))
- (add t notes (
- "Transports are, naturally, vulnerable and sorta slow."
- ))
- (add l notes (
- "Light Cruisers are the smallest of the fleet ships. They are very vulnerable"
- "in fleet combat however, especially to dreadnoughts. They are good at"
- "reconnaissance. The main use of light cruisers"
- "is to provide bait to attract his ships or, occasionally, to eat up his"
- "photon torpedos."
- ))
- (add b notes (
- "Battle Cruisers provide photon torpedos. Generally, they provide the"
- "backbone of a battle fleet."
- ))
- (add d notes (
- "Dreadnoughts are the largest of the fleet ships and are tough in close"
- "combat. But, despite the name, it best to play these ships with a"
- "certain amount of caution; one dreadnought can not take on a fleet,"
- "and Death Stars demand a respectful amount of distance."
- ))
- (add x notes (
- "Planets and moons are the main producers. Generally, the more powerful"
- "the unit to be constructed, the better it is to produce it in a planet."
- "As for the defense of these units, there are several schools of thought."
- "One school says the best defense is a good offense. Another holds"
- "that fighter patrols are cheap and effective against enemy landings."
- "Or that a loaded transport should be kept to retake any enemy conquests,"
- "and as defense against a deathstar. Some people like to supply their"
- "planets with a large number of torpedos. Finally, some people like to"
- "let the enemy bombard their planets, thus 'wasting' torpedos and "
- "allowing the defender to destroy the attacking fleet. "
- ))
- (add X notes (
- "Planets and moons are the main producers. Generally, the more powerful"
- "the unit to be constructed, the better it is to produce it in a planet."
- "As for the defense of these units, there are several schools of thought."
- "One school says the best defense is a good offense. Another holds"
- "that fighter patrols are cheap and effective against enemy landings."
- "Or that a loaded transport should be kept to retake any enemy conquests,"
- "and as defense against a deathstar. Some people like to supply their"
- "planets with a large number of torpedos. Finally, some people like to"
- "let the enemy bombard their planets, thus 'wasting' torpedos and "
- "allowing the defender to destroy the attacking fleet. "
- ))